Playgrounds, car parks and large roof areas have to deal with large volumes of rain water often in a short space of time, therefore if gullies, road gullies and linear channel drains are not maintained and cleaned, the water run off cannot make it into the below ground drainage system and you get localised flooding. A natural build up of silt and debris over time will cause blockages in grids and gullies situated in playgrounds, however, aluminium cans, crisp packets, plastic bottles and tennis balls are also common place, the silt from large hard standing can also build up with the below ground drainage system leading to restricted flow. Here at John Wall Drainage Service Limited we can arrange a planned preventative maintenance schedule, where we can come and clean the drainage for you once or twice a year (depending on the size of the School), remove all the debris from the drainage and the high pressure water the drainage to ensure it is all running clear and free. For further information please contact us on 0151 495 1929.
Renters will soon have new powers to challenge their Landlord over things like damp, ventilation, drainage and sanitary conveniences. New laws are expected to come into force from March 2019 after campaigning from housing charity Shelter and MP Karen Buck.
The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act allows disgruntled tenants to go to the courts if their accommodation is not maintained well enough including things like natural lighting, damp, ventilation and drainage.
Crucially, the new bill will help private and social renter’s voices to be heard, by giving them the right to take their landlord to court over unfit and unsafe conditions in their homes.
The Act covers all tenancies less than seven years in length in both the social and private rented sectors.
A property will be unfit for habitation if there are serious defects in any of the following;
Freedom from damp
Water supply
Drainage and sanitary conveniences
For further information on the new legislation visit www.fitnessforhumanhabitationact
Roots are always searching for water, oxygen and nutrients. As pipes, especially drainage systems contain plenty of these things, roots will readily infiltrate the drains where possible. Where a root system has started to grow inside a pipe there is a chance that debris such as tissue paper, fats etc. can become stuck and cause the pipe to flow slower. Using our specialist root cutting equipment we are able to remove these roots to prevent further blockages, to find out more information on our root removal service please contact us on 0151 495 1929.
An overflowing storm drain, blocked sanitary sewer or even heavy rainfall can cause a backup of wastewater to flow into your Basement. When this happens, you will want and need an efficient flood water removal service on hand to help you remove the unwanted water from your Basement or Cellar.
Here at John Wall Drainage Service Limited, we offer a flood water extraction service that is designed to help those who have experienced a flooding emergency in their property. Using the most effective practices and equipment, we will endeavour to solve the problem quickly and reliably. For more information please contact us on 0151 495 1929 or 07836 226763
As a homeowner you will be familiar with maintaining your home every now and again, the same applies for your septic tank should you have one.
Under new legislation, if your septic tank discharges to surface water, you will need to install a small sewage treatment plant which cleans the liquid before it goes into the river or stream. This must be completed before 1st January 2020, or when you sell the property, whichever is soonest.
Your septic tank must be maintained correctly. If the tank becomes a problem for other members of the public, your local council or authority can and will get involved, insisting that it be properly cleaned. If you have a permit for your tank, this will also outline set conditions that you will have to make sure you meet.
To meet these conditions, GOV.UK guidance explains that your should make sure the septic tank is emptied at least once a year by a registered waste carrier, here at JOHN WALL DRAINAGE SERVICE LIMITED we are able to provide this service for you. For further details on how to correctly maintain your septic tank and for your FREE quotation please contact our Sales Team on 0151 495 1929
High Pressure Water jetting is a water jet, that has highly compressed and concentrated pressurised water, being blasted out of a small nozzle, which is used to cut through most things you can think of.
High Pressure Water Jetting is used in the removal of various different types of debris and substances found in drains, process pipes and sewers. It is also used to remove encrustation, rust, chemical residues, as well as breaking up rubble and concrete.
High Pressure Water Jetting allows our Operators to operate in an efficent and precise manner to enable flow to restore your drains back to their optimum level. All our Operators are trained to the highest level in the use of High Pressure Water Jetting. For further information on our services please contact us on 0151 495 1929.
Now taking bookings for February half term holidays, If you would like any #drainage works carried out during the holiday period please contact us on #0151 495 1929.
Regular drainage maintenance checks by a professional Company will keep your drains working at optimal performance for longer. Here at John Wall Drainage Service we provide a drain maintenance service to keep drains in fully functional condition, not just over the Winter period but throughout the year.
We will also provide a repair service if your property or business is suffering from broken or collapsed drains, so they are restored back to working order as quickly as possible, saving you headaches and disruption to your business.
We offer a wide range of options for your business to ensure we meet your winter maintenance requirements. This includes offering reactive maintenance or providing you with a specially designed planned preventative maintenance schedule to ensure that you are ready for the Winter months.
For further information on our services please contact us on #0151 495 1929 or #07836 226763
We would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. Looking forward to an exciting year ahead, 2019 also marks our 35th year in Business.
Whatever your problem, John Wall Drainage Service Ltd has the solution.
Contact us today to see how we can help you.